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Brandon Leversee
901 Longfellow Avenue
Royal Oak,
Brandon Leversee handles consulting engagements from our Detroit office, and together with the nearby Chicago team, he will make sure you have the information and advice that lead to the best possible decisions about your hotel. Brandon started his career in a rotational position at the Kellogg Center Hotel & Conference Center during college. By the time he was ready to graduate with a degree in Hospitality Business, he was already working with brokers, preparing investment offerings, and appraising hotels. Brandon earned a BA from the School of Hospitality Business at Michigan State University (MSU), where he specialized in Hospitality Real Estate Development. During college, Brandon worked with the Visiting International Professional Program at MSU to help incoming professionals from Korea and China settle into work and life in the U.S. He was also a member of Eta Sigma Delta and the Real Estate Investment Club, and served as Vice President of HR for the Lodging & Gaming Management Association.